Requirements to Have a Successful Fry

Items Furnished by Tyner I.O.O.F.

Lemon Juice (mixing breading) Cracker meal & salt (mixing breading & frying fish). Serving baskets.

Items Furnished by Customer

  • Fish – Good quality filets only
  • Milk – 1 gal/100 lbs. fish
  • Flour – 15 lbs./100 lbs.
  • Eggs – 4 doz. large/100 lbs. fish 
  • Aluminum foil – 2 rolls to line serving baskets
  • Food Handling Gloves
  • Heavy Gloves (Serve Fish)
  • Aprons 
  • Table for mixing breading with 120V outlet
  • 20 amp/120V outlet for fry bus 
  • Have extra milk, flour and eggs on hand (just in case)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Carry Outs- Provide your customer with a large serving of fish. We recommend a 10 oz. portion